Protein Interaction Mapping

Structural basis for spectrin recognition by ankyrin

Maintenance of membrane integrity and organization in the metazoan cell is accomplished through intracellular tethering of membrane proteins to an extensive, flexible protein network. Spectrin, the principal component of this network, is anchored to …

Structures of the spectrin-ankyrin interaction binding domains

As key components of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, spectrin and ankyrin specifically interact to tether the spectrin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane. The structure of the spectrin binding domain of ankyrin and the ankyrin binding domain of …

A draft of protein interactions in the malaria parasite P. falciparum

Recent advances have provided a working interactome map for the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The aforementioned map, generated from genome-scale analyses, has provided a basis for proteomic studies of the parasite; however, such …